Monday, July 21, 2008


In his TED Talk, Sir Ken Robinson makes a case for creating an education system that nurtures creativity, rather than undermining it.

What can we do in our schools to take better advantage of the creative skills that our students are coming to our classrooms with?


Anonymous said...

I think providing the technology and the instructors that have the forward thinking to educate the kids.

Anonymous said...

I believe that positve reinforcement is a big part of achieving the end goal-to promote ones creative achievments and if possible creating a signifigant reward system also.
Thank You **

Allan Carter said...

I think that one thing that helps stimulate creativity is the need for students to find their passion. Not only do we need to stimulate creativity, but we need to have ways for students to explore different ideas and talents so they can determine what they enjoy and what excites them. Activities and projects that challenge students in this way are beneficial.

Anonymous said...

Delivering education using a variety of methods can only help to reach more students in a manner that interests and empowers them.


Anonymous said...

One of the best things we can do as educators is to make sure we keep ourselves current on the new technologies that are going to be experienced by our students. Courses like this one where we get to work with the software first hand goes a long way towards acheiving this goal.

Anonymous said...

I agree that an environment should be created where students are encouraged to explore their interests irregardless of market demands. Once a student had decided on a career goal, we should ensure he has the tools available to develop the requisite skills and provide real world experiences to hone those skills

Anonymous said...

I believe the arts deserve, in fact demand, more focus within our education system. If students are to find their "passion" in NB schools, they need to have access to opportunities where they can use their ideas and creative thoughts; time spent within the arts milieu and mindset will help students develop their ability to become creative/ critical thinkers.

Anonymous said...

His expressions regarding creativity are on the mark. Diversity is the key to life. It takes unique minds to build a society. We must nurture and encourage all forms of educational expressions. Aesthetic pleasure is as essential as academic success in order to encourage and foster overall human wellness and must be appreciated. As educators we must help our youth value and appreciate artistic and academic skill.

Anonymous said...

Design projects or assignments in such way that allows students to express their work through means other than the typical pen and paper, for example through interpretive dance, art, film....

Anonymous said...

I disagree that schools undermine creativity, any more than any other agency in society. Did he also say that parents undermine creativity by letting their children watch TV and play repetitive, mind-numbing games? Or that minimum wage jobs (which teens often take so they can buy consumer products of questionable value) inspire creativity? The act of just growing up and being responsible replaces some risk-taking tendencies in most people -- which is a good thing, because we all can't be Busy Bettys, extolling the virtue of encorporating the Falstaffian romantic anarchic prototype in everything we do. In fact, school is the one place in the world where creativity is fostered and encouraged and celebrated, whereas the home and the workplace often nullify creativity. And could the planet withstand having every human with the artistic potential of Michelangelo and Picasso? It just seems to me that he is setting up a new False Totem with creativity at the top, instead of 19th century view of intelligence. Given the enviromental concerns we have now, perhaps what people need is the ability to act collaboratively and to reduce their expectations regarding consumerism.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with him saying that school don’t allow student to be creative. I believe that the problem with the school system today is like Alain said there isn’t enough done to find what students are really passionate about. There needs to be more available for student in high school, and before someone gets the idea, I’m not saying we should add an extra year or anything, just that there should be more optional courses available for students especially when it comes to trades. I also think we need to teach are kids to take more risks and that it’s ok to fail. No one fully succeeds in life without failure, after all a child fails to walk close to 1000 times before finally succeeding, now imagine if we would put that much effort in all we do as adults.