Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Is there a place for social networking sites in schools?

Can these tools be used to reach curriculum objectives?

1 comment:

Allan Carter said...

As a teacher, facebook is a site that can be very frustrating when trying to keep students on task. Additionally, I personally was never a facebook fan. But I recently read an article that discussed how social networking sites like facebook allow people to discuss issues such as social injustices, community tragedies, etc. The article cited one example where youth were compelled to create a facebook community in response to human rights issue in another country. In a time when we hear about how the younger generation, is a "me" generation, it is uplifting to see a social network like facebook being used by young people to consider human rights issues that do not even affect them. Somehow I do think issues such as human rights, compassion, calls to action, petitions, and recognition of social injustices are meeting curriculum objectives. If they are not, then the objectives need to be changed. While these social networking sites can be a nightmare at times, in other ways they remind us that the world can be a very small place where people can reach out to other in many different ways through technology.